The suggestion here is that the carbine stocks may be in the mil-surp market and zero for the short rifle.An original for that will likely come from someone parting out a gun.Monitor E-Bay and is a dealer who specializes in replica military wood I have no list of what stocks they make.the name and # Dupage Trading Co Ph.#(630)739-5768 they are located in Illinois. Buy Spanish Mauser Fabrica De Armas LA CORUNA 1955 7. The 'FR' stands for Fusil Reformadoin Spanish ('Converted Rifle' in English). The stock is described as a straight grip 3/4 length with an upper handguard.no bayonet fittings The FR 7and FR 8are bolt-actionrifles adopted by Spain in the 1950s. The second version is the M1916 Carbine.this has a 17" bbl chambered for the 7x57 Mauser round. Many of these were arsenal converted to the 7.62 Nato round this may have entailed som stock modifications as well.The stock is described as an ALMOST full stock with handguard.suggesting that the stock was not in general production in the world of Mausers and ONE was made for each firearm converted.I have no info on spares I stopped into a gun shop I hadnt visited for years because I happened to be in the area and found it waiting there for me I checked the headspace and the receiver is in fine shape. They have the correct notch for the catch used on the Model 1916 Mauser short rifle. I quite unexpectedly picked up a nice, all matching Spanish Mauser 'La Coruna' M43 short rifle with an excellent bore the other day.

This rod fits under the barrel and into the hole located on the front of the stock. The Standard catalog of Military Firearms lists a pair of Model 1916's The M1916 Short Rifle is built on a Model 93 small ring action.made from 1916 to 1951.a short barrel of 21 3/4" it was chambered for the 7x57 Mauser round. Original Spanish Mauser model 1916 cleaning rod, 17 1/4' length, in Good condition.